Merry Meeting Lake Association
The Merrymeeting Lake Association (MMLA) exists to help preserve the Merrymeeting Lake watershed and water quality, to stimulate participation in the New Durham community, and to encourage an active and fun community among lake residents.
Membership in the MMLA helps fund the following MMLA programs;
sponsorship of the Merrymeeting Lake Water Quality program, a program that actively monitors and tests the quality and clarity of Merrymeeting Lake water
creation of the Watershed Conservation Fund, used to help preserve the lands and watershed surrounding Merrymeeting Lake
in cooperation with the New Hampshire Lakes Association, sponsorship and organization of the Lake Host Program, monitoring boats coming into the lake for weeds and other invasive species
funding of the popular LakeCam and this website, including funds for internet access, software, and other related fees
organization of social activities such as the Roadside Cleanup, pot-luck cookouts, and the 4th of July fireworks show
publication of the annual newsletter and other news of interest to lake residents
Your participation in the MMLA will help keep Merrymeeting Lake a friendly and clean place for years to come. Join or renew your membership with the buttons on the main page.
Remember, dues and donations to the Water Quality and Watershed Conservation Funds are tax deductible